Explicación del presupuesto popular

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¡Viva la RVAPB en primera persona!

En este breve vídeo aprenderá un poco más sobre cómo funcionará el Presupuesto Popular de Richmond.

¿Listo para participar?

Haz oír tu voz Impacta en tu comunidad compartiendo una idea, participando como voluntario en un equipo de propuestas o ayudando a correr la voz.

Foto de un residente de Richmond escribiendo una idea en un papel


Manténgase al día de las reuniones, eventos y actualizaciones de las fases de la RVAPB

August 28, 2024

Richmond People's Budget Launch Event

The official launch of the Richmond People's Budget on September 10th from 1:00 to 2:30 PM at Abner Clay Park!

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September 3, 2024

9/4/2024 Richmond Participatory Steeing Commission Meeting

The Richmond People's Budget Steering Commission is meeting on September 4th as we work to kick off RVAPB.

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August 13, 2024

Tell us what you think of Richmond

Join a focus group that will make sure RVAPB is successful for all of Richmond.

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August 16, 2024

8/7/2024 Richmond Participatory Steeing Commission Meeting

The Richmond People's Budget Steering Commission is meeting on August 7th to plan for the start of efforts in September.

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July 18, 2024

6/5/2024 Reunión de la Comisión Directiva de la RVAPB

The Richmond People's Budget Steering Commission took place on June 5th. Check out this post to see what they discussed.

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July 18, 2024

7/10/2024 Reunión de la Comisión de Dirección Participativa de Richmond

The July meeting of the Richmond Participatory Budgeting Steering Commission reviewed our past steps and planned for next steps.

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